A downloadable game

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A short horror game that I made in a little over a week.

My goal here was to learn a bit more about rain particles and to play around with surfaces by creating a light system. It's also the first time I implement text boxes.



- Gamemaker Studio 2


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gXucooDo86E&t=44s - for Rain Particles

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7GFggYDglmo - for the Light System

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUxkMDTnxn8&t=1542s for Text Boxes

m5x7 Font: 

- Daniel Linssen

Sound samples:  

- soundbible.com
- freesound.org

Mike Koenig:

- Horror Movie Ambience
- Strange Days
- Rain Sounds

Mark DiAngelo:

- Thunder Sound

Rated 4.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
Tags2D, Cute, Horror, Pixel Art


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Spook.zip 8.9 MB


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alan wake

this game was awesome! but difficult as hell lol

Glad you liked it and thanks for playing until the end!


I thought this was pretty cool I'm definitely super interested to see what else you come up with! If you want to see my own personal reaction I made a video 🤗

wow, thank you for sticking with the game to the end! I’m sorry for the rough edges. :(

it was mostly just me being bad a video games lol

AWESOME! More great work from my favorite indie 2D artist! I primarily work as a programmer in 3D, but I wish we could make a game like together ;o;

I love this, this is incredibly impressive for just a week, I LOVE your style, you have such a great talent for picking a unique color pallet to whatever style you are aiming for. People are heckling about checkpoints but I'm over here SPOOKED at how well this turned out in 7 days of work. The ambiance, sounds, art, gameplay is all so well done. 

Please contact me if ever you and or your friends/team want to make something with Unreal Engine :)

I’m really glad you like my work. :D I’ll definitely consider your offer if I decide to move to UE4. :D


good job on this game. maybe it would be better if you would add checkpoint when we meet mother. but I like the game anyway,

btw if you are interested, here is my video:


Hi there. My main goal was to see how much I could do in a week, so the checkpoint system was left behind in the process, but I'm glad you liked it overall. Nice video too, btw. :D


I like your color tone and atmosphere, but you may consider upgrading the fidentity of the game, it's a bit low-res that affect the readable attribute of the game.


Really great polish. I like the lights and statues, and ghostbusting is really satisfying. Definitely feel like there should be checkpoints - at least one when you start running away from the wall. Did you want to turn off the lights if you walked left? It felt like they should stay on after they're flicked on.

I'm really glad you liked it. :D I considered the game too short to need a checkpoint. As for the lights, this might be just a misconception of mine, but I felt it was a bit more tense to be followed by something that you can only see once it's near you. The lights turn on to leave a trail back to the start and close to hide the wall once it starts following you.


Ha,I like this game.